Description :
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Processor
Ryzen 5 is a family of mid-range performance with 64-bit quad and hexa-cores x86 microprocessors introduced by AMD in March of 2017. Ryzen 5 is based on the Zen microarchitecture and is manufactured on GF’s 14 nm process. Ryzen 5 is marketed toward the mid-range performance market. The AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Processor is built in The world’s fastest 6-core, 12-thread desktop processor with true machine intelligence & XFR.
Ingredients that Built its Core
The AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Processor represents the company’s future-proof platform. It has 6 cores with 12 threads for high performance gaming and processing, plus XFR. with 3.6 GHz up to 4.0 GHz frequency, 2667MHz memory speed, DDR4 system type memory, with 2 memory channels. In this processor, it has 576KB L1 Cache, 3MB L2 Cache, 16MB L3 Cache with 14nm CMOS, PCIe 3.0 x16 Express Version, 95°C Max Temps, 95W Default TDP / TDP. The Ryzen 5 1600X supports Windows 10 – 64-Bit Edition, RHEL x86 64-Bit, Ubuntu x86 64-Bit Operating System which will vary by manufacturer. The supported technologies of this processor are AMD SenseMI Technology, The “Zen” Core Architecture, AMD Ryzen Master Utility Virtualization, Enmotus FuzeDrive for AMD Ryzen, AES, FMA3 and XFR (Extended Frequency Range) which are improve in instructions-per-clock cycle over the previous generation AMD core, without increasing power.Accurate hardware status updates are vital, so that AMD Ryzen Master has covered you with both real-time monitoring and a histogram of per-core clock rates and temperature, including average and peak readings. The revolutionary architecture featuring up to 16 cores. The Ryzen CPU and DDR4 memory. You can park cores and adjust memory timings, too.
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